Leadership and Mentoring
We provide structured leadership and mentoring opportunities across the school, including our appointment and guidance of:
- Student Leadership Team - Year 12
- Sport and Co-curricular Captains -Years 11 and 12
- Student Representative Council (SRC) - Years 5 to 12
- Mates @ Saints, our Peer Support Program - Year 10 / Year 7
- Big Brother Reading Program - Year 11 / Year 5 and 6
- Primary Buddy System - Year 6 / Year 5
These programs provide a meaningful connection with older positive role models for younger students, whilst also building the leadership capacity of our students.
Along with these leadership opportunities, student voice is encouraged and developed.
Student Leadership Team

The Student Leadership Team consists of 15 young men including the College Captain, Vice-Captain, Head Prefect, six House Captains, and portfolio Prefects for Academic, Creative and Performing Arts, International, Mission, Student Representative Council, Sport and Wellbeing.
Each student leader is a role model for the younger boys, contributing to a positive school spirit and promoting a culture of excellence, camaraderie, and service. Their opinions and voice are encouraged through College Assemblies, school activities, a regular column in our newsletter Tolle Lege, charity events and representing St Augustine’s College at external community initiatives with local council, State and Federal Government, and schools.
Sport and Co-curricular Captains

St Augustine’s College Student Sport & Co-curricular Leaders are responsible Year 12 students who have put themselves forward to lead their respective Sport & Co-curricular activities and be active leaders within our community. With leadership comes significant responsibility.

The Captain of a College Sport or Co-curricular activity is responsible for contributing to the ongoing development of the College’s Sport or Co-curricular program with an emphasis on his chosen sport/activity. He has established positive relationships with staff and students and demonstrates a capacity to build a positive culture within his chosen sport/activity. He is gifted, with a strong desire to be successful in his chosen sport/activity and always displays good sportsmanship. He demonstrates a strong commitment to the College Sport & Co-curricular throughout his time at the College.
Student Representative Council (SRC)

The Student Representative Council is a group of students from Years 5 to 12 who represent all students in the school. The SRC fosters school spirit and leadership among students encouraging school-wide participation. Its members generate ideas within the College community and implement initiatives that are important to our students, such as fundraisers and sustainability programs. Students participate in character strength analyses, public speaking opportunities and various activities to build capacity in communication, problem solving and teamwork.
Mates @ Saints Program

The Mates @ Saints is a peer-led program that begins with training sessions for Year 10 students who wish to be considered Mates for incoming Year 7 students. The key tenants are: Leading with Love, Truthful communication and Community Building. At the conclusion of this year's training, 70 students indicated they wished to be involved.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

This initiative sees Year 12 students offer support and advice to Year 10 and 11 students in the lead-up to subject selection. It's designed to achieve the following outcomes:
- Create a student-led forum to discuss subject selection
- Develop opportunities to foster student voice
- Foster a student’s ability to make well considered decisions
Mates Helping Mates

Designed by students for students, this session forms part of our AWE framework in the senior Houses. Led by a peer, the session explores representations of masculinity and empowers students to ask, "Are you OK?". Boys practice skills to offer assistance and demonstrate help-seeking behaviours.