Please download and read carefully the below policies. Once you have read them all, and agree to abide by them, please return to the Stage 1 - Employment Pack form to complete sign-off.
St Augustine's College in Sydney is fully committed to protecting children from any form of abuse and harm. All staff and volunteers must adhere to the highest ethical standards of behaviour and integrity. As part of this commitment, all staff and volunteers who have direct contact with students are required to complete annual Child Safeguarding training. You are expected to read and acknowledge the understanding of the Child Safeguarding related documents, which include:
- Child Safeguarding Policy
- Staff and Students Professional Boundaries
- Child Safeguarding Complaints Handling Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Procedures for Managing Child Safety Standards
- Staff Code of Conduct
Please be advised that failure to comply with these requirements will result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or volunteer service. We take the safety and well-being of all children and young people at St Augustine's College incredibly seriously, and we expect you to do the same.